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Peirce, Charles Sanders [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Jan 19, 2004 ... Charles Sanders Peirce was born September 10th, 1839, in Cambridge, MA to
Benjamin Peirce, the brilliant Harvard mathematician and ...

www.iep.utm.edu/peircebi/ - 69k - Páginas similares
Charles Sanders Peirce - Wikiquote
Charles Sanders Peirce [pronounced like purse] (10 September 1839 – 19 April
1914) was an American philosopher, chemist and polymath, who is now ...

en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce - 124k - Páginas similares
Profiles in Time/Giants of Science/Charles Sanders Peirce
Jun 8, 2006 ... The NOAA Corps Bulletin will be including articles on the origin of NOAA ship
names over the next year. As the NOAA Ship PEIRCE has been ...

www.history.noaa.gov/giants/peirce.html - 15k - Páginas similares
Philosopher Charles Peirce
Park Profile: Philosopher Charles Peirce. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. National Park
Service . . Spanning the Gap. The newsletter of. Delaware Water Gap National ...

www.nps.gov/dewa/historyculture/upload/cmsstgPEIRC.pdf - - Páginas similares
Peirce_Charles biography
Charles S Peirce was the son of Benjamin Peirce and Sarah Hunt Mills, the
daughter of Senator Elijah Hunt Mills. We note that this surname is pronounced ...

www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Peirce_Charles. - 24k - Páginas similares
How to Make our Ideas Clear
peirce. Charles Peirce (1878). How to Make our Ideas Clear. Source: How to
make our Ideas Clear (1878), from Writings of Charles S Peirce, Volume 3,
Indiana ...

www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/us/peirc - 40k - Páginas similares
Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914)
The answer "Charles S. Peirce" is uncontested, because any second would be so
far behind as not to be worth nominating. Mathematician, astronomer, chemist ...

www.peirce.org/life.html - 3k - Páginas similares
The Peirce Edition Project
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), a uniquely American philosopher and
scientist, is of seminal importance for modern thought. He was a tireless and
brilliant ...

www.iupui.edu/~peirce/ - 16k - Páginas similares
The Charles S. Peirce Society
The purpose of the Charles S. Peirce Society shall be to encourage study of, and
communication about, the works of Charles S. Peirce and its ongoing influence ...

wings.buffalo.edu/research/peirce/index.html - 7k - Páginas similares
Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition
Nov 12, 2009 ... The definitive edition of the writings of America's most important philosopher.
www.iupress.indiana.edu/product_info.php?products_id=207993 - 45k - Páginas similares
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